(208) 449-5183 / (949) 433-4844
1250 Ironwood Drive Suite 303
Coeur d' Alene, ID 83814

Workshops and Seminars

I am passionate about bringing character development and well-being into schools in a way that can be  integrated into existing curriculum, regardless of the subject matter.  Research shows that bringing well-being into schools decreases anxiety and depression and increases retention rates and GPA’s.

There are a variety of ways to meet the needs and budget of your institution. I can do any where from a one-hour training up to one-week of training depending on what you want to accomplish. Trainings can be broken up throughout the year as well.

Some of the Speaking Topics for Students: (High School-University)

  • Using Stress to Your Advantage
  • How to Flourish and Be Successful in School
  • Resilient Thinking
  • Know Your Strengths and How to Use Them to Achieve Success

Faculty and Staff Development Training: (Elementary-University)

  • Appreciative Inquiry Summit– A 2-day summit to discover the strengths of your institution, including faculty and staff. Develop a clear vision and mission in which every employee is a motivated stakeholder to change and embrace the culture of the institution.
  • Practical Tools for Building Character Development and Well-being among Faculty, Staff and Students– One to three days of training covering PERMA + HR2 Take one or more aspects of the model and focus on it for a day or three days to complete the entire model.

Click here to share a success story

What is PERMA + HR2 ?

PERMA is a theory of well-being that was developed by Dr. Martin Seligman; Psychologist, educator, and father of Positive Psychology. The elements of well-being have been researched and practical tools have been developed to help people obtain higher degrees of well-being, with the ultimate goal of helping people flourish. I have added the elements of HR2 to the model because research demonstrates, that Health, Responsibility and Resiliency are important factors that contribute to our well-being. Here is what the letters of the acronym stand for along with a brief description of each:

  • Positive Emotion

    Increasing the positive emotions in our lives including joy, hope, happiness, gratitude, curiosity, peace and love.

  • Relationships

    Positive social relationships have been found to be the biggest contributor to well-being. Increasing these types of relationships is crucial to truly flourish.

  • Meaning and Purpose

    Pursuing your mission or purpose with commitment and passion. Living beyond your self and knowing your core values and living a life in alignment with those core values.

  • Accomplishment

    Pursuing your goals and ambitions. Experiencing personal achievement.

  • +
  • Health

    Understanding the role that sleep, diet and exercise play in well-being.

  • Responsibility

    Taking responsibility for our decisions and actions.

  • Resiliency

    Bouncing back from adversity and becoming stronger for having done so.